Friday, October 20, 2006


College Teaching Resources

Many postdocs wonder how they can attain more teaching experience when at a place without students, such as a government institute or other nonprofit. Dr. Debbie Swope of the NIEHS Office of Fellows' Career Development has some resources for you:

1) Duke has a Professional Development Center for its graduate students, which includes a teaching component. You can access the Blackboard website for the "Introduction to College Teaching" class for free (click on "Courses" and enter "gs302"), which provides course materials and assignments. Also, on the Blackboard for this class under "External Links", there are several links to help you with teaching statements/portfolios.

2) Appalachian State University has a website with resources on teaching:

3) Northwestern University has an "Online Assistance with Teaching" site at with lots of great Q&A. There is another site with links to teaching and learning resources at

4) Princeton University's McGraw Center has a website called "The Scholar as Teacher Tip Sheet" that has links to good topics.

5) Syracuse University’s Center for Support of Teaching and Learning has good links under “Resources.”

6) The national "Preparing Future Faculty" graduate programs website also has some teaching and mentoring resources.

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