Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Grant Opportunity - 1 Gigabase of DNA Sequencing!

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Roche Applied Science wants to know what you would do with 1 gigabase of free DNA sequencing performed on a 454 Life Sciences Genome Sequencer System. A 1000-word grant proposal is requested and the recipient would supply all samples whereas Roche would generate the data.

This is a fantastic opportunity for young scientists to attain grant writing practice as well as take a research project that extra mile. Peruse their web site for more information detailing their technology, for the applications go beyond simple PCR amplicon resequencing.

Subscribers to the print version of
Science may notice that the 10/5 issue came packaged with a booklet that describes the sequencing methodology and highlights papers that relied on the technology. Recently, a sizeable chunk of woolly mammoth DNA was sequenced by this system thus invigorating the field of paleogenomics.

Proposals are due December 8th and notification of the winner will occur in January.

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